D.G.V., high quality and fast execution
Founded in 1965, operates in the precision carpentry sector; technologically advanced, it meet the needs of different sectors.
D.G.V., continuing from DA.PI. founded by Vito D’Argento in 1965, is today a forefront reality in sheet metal subcontracting sector. It operates in the precision capentry sector, laser cutting, bending, punching, welding, fastener and assembly systems, ensuring a constant technological growth. The experience gained in the sector allows D.G.V. to satisfy the requests from many different sectors, from electronics to mechanics, from lightning system to hobbies. The experience and the use of CNC machines allow D.G.V. to be the leader in the most complex construction details. Various types of welding, fastener systems and finishing processes with the possibility to obtain a finished product.
The IT systems allow to elaborate in short times at the laser cut or at the punching machine the drawings received on magnetic support or by modem directly from the customer. Fast execution and high quality have always been the basis of D.G.V.’s production philosophy, as Giovanni D’Argento, the administrator, explained us.
A story begun in 1965
Vito D’Argento fonde the company, thanks to the experience he gained through the years. In the 80’s the company starte to produce precision carpentry parts for customers operating in the textile, electronic and food sectors. Thanks to the work developed in those years, in the 90’s the company had a real quantum leap, with the introduction of the first CNC machines and automated warehouse for the raw materials. Besides, thanks to a dedicated software, D.G.V. is able to control every single phase of management. This development made D.G.V. a company which is able to offer high quality products, distinguished by first-class raw materials.
As Giovanni D’Argento explained, the technological level achieved by DGV is one of the highest in the market, thanks to the investments made through the years and that are still made today to maintain the high levels of specialization achieved. “We are thinking to introduce in the future the 3D technology, to improve our productions.” Today’s customers want cutted, bended, turned, milled and treates pieces, so it’s necessary to have all the machines and the necessary specialization to front the various requests without problems. “Hard working and a good warehouse, with centre lathes, milling machines, drilling machines, tapping machines, laser cut, press brake machines, welding machines, punching machines, spot welders, is needed. You must be able to do everything and to be extremely flexible to be in the market. We have all of this and we produce high quality pieces.”
Presence in Italy and abroad
In addition to the internal market, D.G.V. works in Swiss and German companies, but unfortunately with the introduction of the Euro, the high costs of labor led to a loss of competitiveness.
Relocation, an unforgivable mistake
Today all of our sectors have high technologies. Our small and medium companies, even if they are technologically advanced and high quality, are continuously losing market shares, because many customers, lacking of industrial policies, outsourced their productions.
Machine tools and formation
As already said, D.G.V. has a large and advanced machine tools. The investments made through the years and the continuous adjustment to the technological change allowed D.G.V. to have always last generation machines, able to ensure every type of machining needed to give finished pieces ready for use. As regards the preparation and training of employees, D.G.V. has an eye.
All of the employees are extremely qualified and able to produce high quality works and they are constantly uptdated, when is necessary. Another feature of D.G.V. is the average age of young employees, ranging from a minimum of 25 years to a maximum of 50.
A good start in 2012
The beginning of the new year was rather positive for D.G.V., that had a the first three months substantially in line with that of the previous year.
“The work’s not lacking” says D’Argento “the orders are always coming and they’re all urgent.” A downside, however, is affecting and will affect in the future the competitiveness, the decrease of the credit destined to the investments. The companies, until a few years ago, were able to invest costantly, remaining always advanced. It’s because of that investments that our companies can still be competitive today.
Exhibitions and communication
D.G.V. constantly participates to the main exhibitions of the sector. It’ll take part to the next edition of Bi-Mu in Milan, scheduled for October, it recently took part to Mecspe in Parma and participated to Swisstech in Basel.
“I believe that Milan and Basel are the most suited exhibitions for small subcontracting companies, because Lombardy and Switzerland are areas where small businesses can meet potential customers”. D.V.G. always had good feedbacks from the exhibition in which it took part.